Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Entry #6: Literature

Sorry for my delay, I'm lazy and am amazed that I still remember about this thing. Okay, so I hate literature teachers. they are hypocrites and they ruin stories for me. With that said, I love books and poetry. I read avidly, and if anyone wants to recommend a book for me to read I would really love that. I also write. My poems are weird though. For example, my friend asked me to tell her a story. I gave her this:

There once was a man of the age of 23
 who decided to go out and live in a tree
however, the tree was not ordinary
and the man grew as strong and fast as could be
he flaunted his gifts with great skill and ease
to a great many mansions and cars he got keys
till men cross the world wanted their own trees
"but none," he said, "were as good as these."
so all came from far and wide
to find the special tree in which to reside
but the trees were quite shyand went to hide
which left everyone to try and decide
decide what to do, they wanted the might
of the man in the tree, and great eyesight
and the glow, with it's wonder and light
so that they could all succeed in a fight
"love me, long for me, pine for my eye,
but none shall be as wonderful as I,"
said the man as he feasted on turkey and rye
and he soon gained the ability to fly
all the girls swooned
all the men fumed
and all through the streets the great man zoomed
till the men got jealous, wanting the power for theirs
so they all saddled up the mates of their mares
and rode into battle against the man with his luscious hair
and the man just sat, for he did not care
so the men came to fight, with knives and their gun
and the man just sat, did not even run
saying, "do this alot, it's really quite fun,
I love getting back massages, son."
so everyone gave up, and the man gained great fame
and I just might go out and do the same
so let this be a leason put to my name
live in a tree if you don't want to be lame

Ya, I'm odd. However, it was fun. If anyone wants a poem from me, just give me a topic and I'll write it. Preferably not something inappropriate or stupid. Preferably. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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