Sunday, June 30, 2013

Entry #18: Summer break

Ah... Summer break is nice. I get to relax in the sun, watching people and listening to screaming children and making money. But the best part is the seclusion. All my friends are out on vacation doing fun stuff so I get to be left alone. It's nice, sometimes, to separate myself from my "normal" "friends". Everything is calm and slow down. So much less drama , no astronomical expectations of me, I don't need to act a certain way or talk or do anything I don't want to do for me. Friends.. You're my friends. But most are inconsistent, only needing me when you need me and not being there when you don't. But whatever. I'm fine. I'm free. During this time, I do what I want, when I want. So I take my leave. You don't need me, and I finally get to not need you.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Entry #17: Lucky Bastards...

Alrighty, it's Wednesday the 19th, and it's not fun funny Luke day. It's real talk Luke day, and I'm not sure just how long this post is gonna be. Look, this is about love. Not the "ooooohhhh I loooooveee yooouuuu" kind of love,this is the "I care about how you feel and your well being" kind of love. It's the love that everyone "should" have for their friends and family. Emphasis on the "should." See, I've noticed friends of mine who are feeling depressed and shitz like that, and I'm anong that count. But come on guys! I know at least one person you can talk to, one person who listens and cares. Me. That's right, me. I'll listen to whatever you want, no matter how pissed I am at you, no matter how annoyed you are making me, I will always love you. Remember that, alright? I've got your back, I promise. Now, can I find someone like that? I know that you guys have a non 0 amount of people who care for you, but do I? I don't know. I've been pretty damn alone when I need people to talk to who legitimatly care about how I feel and who want to help. I don't even care if you can't help. I know I can't help all of you with all of your problems, but I'll stubbornly try to anyways! Where did loyalty go, people? Where'd all the good people go? I've been changing channels I don't see them on no tv shows... Sorry, got lost in song the but seriously! Where? I'm just... I'm lost, okay? And while I'll help you be found, I'm still here.

Entry #16: Stories

I'm sitting here staring at my phone, not quite knowing what to write, what to say to properly express just how I feel. Today isn't "Luke's storytime" or anything about what happened today, this is just about me. Oh, I'm Luke, by the way. I'm not gonna use a stupid nickname or alias. If someone I know reads this and wants me to hide their identity, I will, but for the most part I'm going to use real names. Alot easier to remember. Anyways, it's Tuesday. I can post on Mondays. This means that if I post this it might be a bit out of date. I might write one fresh on Monday for that reason. But I digress. The real point of this blog is to talk about stories. I don't know how you read stories, but when I do I become the main character. This isn't a "I'm really into the book" or even "wow this character is awesome I'm gonna cosplay as them" oh no. This is "I relate to this character and now their emotions become mine involuntarily. Now, I have to like the story and relate, but... Let's take Artemis Fowl. Excellent series. After reading the first three books I was a teenage criminal mastermind genius for a month. It was scary, for me and those around me. I'm empathetic to story characters. So please, please, PLEASE don't give me a character who's parents are divorced but are forced to tentatively interact with catastrophic consequences because of said character, or who doesn't feel at home in their own body (bi-sexual in a hetero only tolerance family), or who can't quite tell the person that they really like how they feel because they value the friendship, or who clings to parts of their past stubbornly because that's the only link they have to what they were before. It's a bad idea,
m-Kay? Anyways, Now that I have that out of the way... I'm a lifeguard. Wooo.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


That's right, motha fuckas! I'm a lifeguard, certified and bonafide. Gonna get paid to sit around with my shirt off and occasionally save lives.

When you're a lifeguard, you can say anything to calm down a victim. Anything. But. "Everything is going to be okay." Can't say it, can't say it. Gonna get sued if you say it. So I've gotten to saying things more along the lines of "WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR?!?" "HAVE YOU HAD A NICE DAY TODAY?" "I LIKE YOUR HAIR!" and other things along those lines. The point is to be assertive :D

Okay, I'm going to complain about my dad a lot here. Not because he's bad, but because he's awesome. My dad is the most amazing fucking person ever, emphasis on the fucking. Like, going out with 4 chicks at a time, including hot redheads and strippers, most of which are closer to my age than his. Fucking dad... Ya know, it's hard to be mad because he's my dad. But c'mon... HE'S MY DAD! It's just a strange setup. And here I am over here being like, "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, I'm just gonna be hopeless over here in my corner..."

Oh well, That's my week. Oh! And party with Christ tomorrow. See ya!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Entry #14: Summer is here

Which means this can be a normal thing! Or I just get one less excuse. Anyways, I mainly posted this to note two things

1.) My family is the best family ever. WHEN WE'RE TOGETHER! Which we aren't a lot, but that's fine. But the main point is...
Me: (On computer. Get's random nosebleed due to dehydration [IT HAPPENS, OKAY?])
Dad: You watching porn?

No, not "Are you okay?" or "Need a tissue?" Because we watch Dragon ball AVIDLY. Not moderately or lightly or normally or casually. We are addicted to it. It's a drug of the most intense kind. Grew up on it and grow old on it. Although, nosebleeds are in every anime. Like, any anime that has perverts and/or hot chicks has the whole "Spring a nosebleed" thing going on, which I'm guessing (?) is a metaphor for popping a boner? I don't know, it's odd. AND IT DOES NOT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE! Unless you have a medical condition, in which case that's unfortunate. But yeah, nosebleed = porn

2.) I passed sophomore year. Albeit barely, but I PASSED! NO MAKEUP WORK FOR ME! So now I get to do fun, productive things, like take precal over the summer, or work, or do drivers ed stuff.  That one was short

On another topic, That camera? Yeah, it's coming. I keep saying it is. But it is. I promise.
