Thursday, June 20, 2013

Entry #17: Lucky Bastards...

Alrighty, it's Wednesday the 19th, and it's not fun funny Luke day. It's real talk Luke day, and I'm not sure just how long this post is gonna be. Look, this is about love. Not the "ooooohhhh I loooooveee yooouuuu" kind of love,this is the "I care about how you feel and your well being" kind of love. It's the love that everyone "should" have for their friends and family. Emphasis on the "should." See, I've noticed friends of mine who are feeling depressed and shitz like that, and I'm anong that count. But come on guys! I know at least one person you can talk to, one person who listens and cares. Me. That's right, me. I'll listen to whatever you want, no matter how pissed I am at you, no matter how annoyed you are making me, I will always love you. Remember that, alright? I've got your back, I promise. Now, can I find someone like that? I know that you guys have a non 0 amount of people who care for you, but do I? I don't know. I've been pretty damn alone when I need people to talk to who legitimatly care about how I feel and who want to help. I don't even care if you can't help. I know I can't help all of you with all of your problems, but I'll stubbornly try to anyways! Where did loyalty go, people? Where'd all the good people go? I've been changing channels I don't see them on no tv shows... Sorry, got lost in song the but seriously! Where? I'm just... I'm lost, okay? And while I'll help you be found, I'm still here.

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